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Famous Photographer Reflection


Diane Arbus


In a world that is controlled by technology and absorbed in social media, we live almost every day alie. Makeup, photo-shop, fake profiles; we are coated in a façade that separates us from reality. We areobsessed with our own aesthetics and blinded by false beauty. Even in our photos, with our fake smilesand fancy clothes, there is not an ounce of verity. But in Diane Arbus’s photographs, she reveals the uglytruth about the world. Using only her camera, she opens our eyes to reality; a reality that is disgustingand ugly to the human eyes.



Arbus Diane is a photographer whose photographs contain images of freaks, or abnormal people,such as dwarfs, giants, transgender, and many others. She believes that a camera is used to separatewhat people want to see and what others do see, such as their flaws. And this is what inspires me mostof all. Although I strongly believe that a camera is used to capture once-in-a-lifetime moments, as wellas beautiful things, a camera can also reveal the sad, and ugly truth that people usually want to avoidseeing. Accepting the truth can be difficult at times, and can sometimes destroy a person. But sometimepeople need to face reality and stop being absorbed into their own fantasies. Diane’s photographydepicts the reality of people and reveals the truth that no one is ever perfect.



Based on Diane’s photographs, cameras aren’t always used to capture beautiful things in life.Sometimes it’s used to reveal the ugly flaws that are blinded to some people. In this generation that isso absorbed in fiction, sometimes we just need to be faced with harsh reality. Our world is neverperfect, and is not always beautiful. Our world, at times, is ugly, unfair, and disgusting. And some peopleneeds to open their eyes to this ugliness. It’s, simply, just the truth.

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