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First, you open the image you want. Then duplicate the background Layer. Rename the first layer to soft focus and convert to Smart Object. Select the soft focus layer and chioose filter, go to blur and choose surface blur(5 & 15). Then you duplicate Soft Focus Layer and rename the new Layer to B&W. Alt Left Click on Hue and Saturation Adjustment then choose desaturate and then choose Layers. Create a clipping mask on the layer and rename that layer Hue & Saturation. Create a new blank layer and rename the layer Half Tone and then click on Channels. Do a Command Click on RGB and control-Shift-I to invert selection. Make sure the background is black before pressing d to change foreground to background. Press Alt Backspace to fill selection with black and press Command D to deselect.Make sure you turn off the layer Half tone and B&W layers.Then you select Soft Focus Layer and Click on Filter "> Filter Gallery "> Artistic "> Cut Out "> Set levels to 8/0/3.Duplicate the Layer.Select Soft Focus Copy layer "> Change Blending Mode to Soft Light.Turn on B&W layer "> Select layer "> Click on Filter "> Filter Gallery ">Poster Edges "> set levels to 1/1/1.Change blending mode to Pin Light.Turn on Half Tone Layer "> Select Half Tone Layer "> Command Left Clickon the Halftone layer icon " > Left click on the quick mask icon at the bottom of the ayers panel "> Command Left Click on layer mask icon.Click on Filter "> Pixilate "> Color Half Tone – make setting for dot radios between 4 – 20 depending on desired effect.Click on the layer icon "> change blending mode to Soft Light andAdd a Levels adjustment layer "> adjust levels to desired effect,then Add a new blank layer "> Alt Backspace "> turn Fill level to “0” "> click on f/x "> Stroke "> change location to Inside "> stroke size between 10"20. Click and hold on Shape Tool "> click on free style shape icon "> on top tool bar click on the preset shape selection drop down menu "> Click on the gear "> click on talk bubbles "> click Append "> click on the talk bubble shape you want to use "> click and drag to place talk bubble on image. After that Select talk bubble layer "> change fill to White – change stroke to Black ">make stoke size 5 "> click enter Click on the text tool "> Click and drag to make a text box "> choose ArielText "> change style to Bold "> type in the text you want your character to say (textmust be school appropriate)Click and hold on the shape tool "> select the rectangle tool "> on the topmenu change fill to gradient "> choose two colors"> change the angle to “0” "> clickenterClick on the Text tool "> click in the image "> Type in todays date "> holdcontrol and drag text into rectangle box "> High light the A in April "> hold controlshift alt while you adjust letter size by pressing the “>” KeyAdjust Opacity of Soft Light, Hue and Saturation, and B&W layers as desiredSave file as LastName_FirstInitial_LS.psd so you can refer back to it whenyou create your comic book imagesSave file as LastName_FirstInitial_LS.jpgTurn in finished work to Edmodo, include what changes you made to yourimage to create your finished project.

The majority of the steps I used was similar to the PC except the beginning.


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