Mary Dominguez
Restoration #1

The women in the picture contained red eyes and I chose the red eye tool with the eye icon. This tool is located in the tool box under the band aid icon, which is the spot healing brush tool. This tool fixes a person's eye by removing the red eye and restoring the original color
Restoration #2


The guy in the picture had acne, so I used the healing brush tool to remove the acne. The tool has a band aid icon and is under the spot healing brush tool. The tool copies a color and pastes it over the unwanted mark or spot.
Restoration #3


The image I was editing contained a few spots, a tape mark, and some color adjustments. The tools i used was the brush tool and the color balance. The brush tool is located below the slice tool and you use it for editing marks or to draw/color. The color balance is located on the top bar under image and you choose adjustments. It is used for editing the overall color of the image.
Restoration #4

The picture needed to be restored and what I used to fix the image was the patch tool. The patch tool is located under the spot healing brush tool and has a patch icon. The tool works by selecting a spot and duplicating an area that you drag it over.
Restoration #5


The black and white picture just had a few a minor smudges, so I used the patch tool and the spot healing tool. The patch tool is located under the spot healing tool with a patch icon and the spot healing tool is below the crop tool with a band aid icon. The patch tool highlights the area that you select and can copy the area you drag the selection to. The spot healing tool copies the area around your selection.
Restoration #6


The image had watermarks and need to be sharpened. For the water marks, I used the patch tool, located under the bandaid tool, and it can copy the area that you select. I also sharpened the image by going to "filter" and choose "sharpen" and it which can just sharpens a blurred image
Restoration #7

The image needed to be black and white, and it also had a few watermarks that needed to be edited. The tools I used were the crop tool(located below the quick selection tool), the healing brush tool(located below the eye dropper tool),and the clone tool(located below the brush tool). The crop tool will crop out the image you want, the healing brush will copy the parts surrounding it and can be applied to the area you want, and the clone tool is similar to the healing brush, but its more accurate..
Restoration #8

The tools I used were the healing brush tool(located below the eye dropper tool) and the clone tool(located below the brush tool). The healing brush will copy the parts surrounding it and can be applied to the area you want, and the clone tool is similar to the healing brush, but its more accurate.
Restoration #9


The tools I used were the healing brush tool(located below the eye dropper tool) and the clone tool(located below the brush tool). The healing brush will copy the parts surrounding it and can be applied to the area you want, and the clone tool is similar to the healing brush, but its more accurate.
Restoration #10

The girl in the picture had acne, so i used the healing brush tool to remove the acne. The tool has a band aid icon and is under the spot healing brush tool. The tool copies a color and pastes it over the unwanted mark or spot. I also used the brush tool (located on the fourth spot on the right column) which I used to paint over the image.
Restoration #11

The tools I used for this restorations were the spot healing brush, the healing brush, and the patch tool. The spot healing brush (located on the left side, 4 down) will copy the area around the desired spot. The healing brush (located on the left side, 4 down and below the spot healing brush) will copy the area the you want and can be placed over other parts of the image. The patch tool (located on the left side, 4 down and below the healing brush) can copy a random area and will replace over your selection or selected area
Restoration #12

The tools I used for this restorations were the spot healing brush, the healing brush, and the patch tool. The spot healing brush (located on the left side, 4 down) will copy the area around the desired spot. The healing brush (located on the left side, 4 down and below the spot healing brush) will copy the area the you want and can be placed over other parts of the image. The patch tool (located on the left side, 4 down and below the healing brush) can copy a random area and will replace over your selection or selected area.
Restoration #13

The tools I used for this restorations were the spot healing brush, the healing brush, and the patch tool. The spot healing brush (located on the left side, 4 down) will copy the area around the desired spot. The healing brush (located on the left side, 4 down and below the spot healing brush) will copy the area the you want and can be placed over other parts of the image. The patch tool (located on the left side, 4 down and below the healing brush) can copy a random area and will replace over your selection or selected area. To restore the tear, I used the lasso tool (located on the second to the left) and traced over the cut and cropped it. I moved the cropped are to the desired location and then used the previous tools to restore the picture.
Restoration #14

The tools I used for this restorations were the spot healing brush, the healing brush, and the patch tool. The spot healing brush (located on the left side, 4 down) will copy the area around the desired spot. The healing brush (located on the left side, 4 down and below the spot healing brush) will copy the area the you want and can be placed over other parts of the image. The patch tool (located on the left side, 4 down and below the healing brush) can copy a random area and will replace over your selection or selected area
Restoration #15


The tools I used for this restorations were the spot healing brush, the healing brush, and the patch tool. The spot healing brush (located on the left side, 4 down) will copy the area around the desired spot. The healing brush (located on the left side, 4 down and below the spot healing brush) will copy the area the you want and can be placed over other parts of the image. The patch tool (located on the left side, 4 down and below the healing brush) can copy a random area and will replace over your selection or selected area. To restore the tear, I used the lasso tool (located on the second to the left) and traced over the cut and cropped it. I moved the cropped are to the desired location and then used the previous tools to restore the picture.
Restoration #16


The tools I used for this restorations were the spot healing brush, the healing brush, and the patch tool. The spot healing brush (located on the left side, 4 down) will copy the area around the desired spot. The healing brush (located on the left side, 4 down and below the spot healing brush) will copy the area the you want and can be placed over other parts of the image. The patch tool (located on the left side, 4 down and below the healing brush) can copy a random area and will replace over your selection or selected area. To restore the tear, I used the lasso tool (located on the second to the left) and traced over the cut and cropped it. I moved the cropped are to the desired location and then used the previous tools to restore the picture.
Restoration #17

The tools I used for this restorations were the spot healing brush, the healing brush, and the patch tool. The spot healing brush (located on the left side, 4 down) will copy the area around the desired spot. The healing brush (located on the left side, 4 down and below the spot healing brush) will copy the area the you want and can be placed over other parts of the image. The patch tool (located on the left side, 4 down and below the healing brush) can copy a random area and will replace over your selection or selected area. I also used the clone stamp tool (located on the 5th to the left) it copies a selection and is similar to the healing brush tool.
Restoration #18


The tools I used for this restorations were the spot healing brush, the healing brush, and the patch tool. The spot healing brush (located on the left side, 4 down) will copy the area around the desired spot. The healing brush (located on the left side, 4 down and below the spot healing brush) will copy the area the you want and can be placed over other parts of the image. The patch tool (located on the left side, 4 down and below the healing brush) can copy a random area and will replace over your selection or selected area. I also used the clone stamp tool (located on the 5th to the left) it copies a selection and is similar to the healing brush tool.
Restoration #19

The tools I used for this restorations were the spot healing brush, the healing brush, and the patch tool. The spot healing brush (located on the left side, 4 down) will copy the area around the desired spot. The healing brush (located on the left side, 4 down and below the spot healing brush) will copy the area the you want and can be placed over other parts of the image. The patch tool (located on the left side, 4 down and below the healing brush) can copy a random area and will replace over your selection or selected area. I also used the clone stamp tool (located on the 5th to the left) it copies a selection and is similar to the healing brush tool.
Restoration #20

The tools I used for this restorations were the spot healing brush, the healing brush, and the patch tool. The spot healing brush (located on the left side, 4 down) will copy the area around the desired spot. The healing brush (located on the left side, 4 down and below the spot healing brush) will copy the area the you want and can be placed over other parts of the image. The patch tool (located on the left side, 4 down and below the healing brush) can copy a random area and will replace over your selection or selected area. To restore the tear, I used the lasso tool (located on the second to the left) and traced over the cut and cropped it. I moved the cropped are to the desired location and then used the previous tools to restore the picture.